the company printing for sfmoma's on demand went under. they've shut down the kiosk in the store and pulled the page from their website. there are two
24x24 chris johanson prints left. when i was 19 i skipped out on a $20 ed templeton print so that i could eat a burrito and buy an ep at amoeba. i've collected like a monster ever since.
damn myself for hesitating earlier today.
You have the most clean and entertaining room of anyone I know. I love hanging out in there and taking a ganders at the collection. By the way, "the archivist" beat out brael today. That was a new listen straight from the collection today. (thankyou)
do you remember what one?
the e.t print you didn't buy?
it was from the ed templeton & tobin yelland show, march 2000. it was of a lady and i think it had a red background. i don't remember what my burrito tasted like or what cd i bought.
man, this nearly makes me want to give you mine. If I ever make a will, it goes to you if I die, s'that fair?
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