
a song i made for sonny smith played on 2 huge projection walls in niketown nyc for a couple weeks leading up to the marathon. i've bragged about knowing phil* and meg before, but if you are in new york make time to go see their photo show for me.


muchtoomuch said...

WOW DUDE!!!! that is so exciting, i wish i would have known to go see in person... you have rad shit going on here and you don't even live here, that's bad ass.

Anonymous said...

raw talent. like i said, owning it all. that's so rad.

Anonymous said...

wish i could take cred but its all phil's talent and meg showing him my tune. i'm a lucky bastard but a thankful one.

oshareneko said...

You are so fucking talented dude. Don't deny it. That song is so rad. It made me so happy to hear it. You rule. Hi5.

P said...

Adam is the best.

jesse said...

wow this is fantastic. Can we collab some music songs and video tapes?

Anonymous said...

oh mang, my plate is so full! i wish. how about if i don't end up in summer school. thanks for looking at my blog dude.

Justine Sharrock said...

congrats!!!! awesome-ness reigns. Also, i didnt know you are collaborating with mr. sonny smith. have you done anything else with him?

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

nope no collab. maybe some day. this i wrote for not with. he's a very inspiring dude.

Anonymous said...

i love this video, and i love this song. whats the name of the song??

Anonymous said...

thanks! "write 'loving' on one hand and 'kindness' on the other" the og has a quote from tale of two cities that matches up with one of sonny's comics. get the new record! so good.