

i listened to this song (senduit) a bunch of times yesterday. it sounds perfect. he was on the radio and talked about how he recorded it in his bedroom with an 8-track. he had only used 4-tracks in the past & this was his first attempt to record something pro. it is hard to believe it is all analog. more here. hope you have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope this isn't weird or rude, but i bugged him about how he made it since i'm trying to figure out what i'm going to do about recording at home. there are no computers used and he said, "it's just basically a floor tom playing the tom and the rim, I also doubled it for more power, the fast percussion was a beat that I made on 4track using a tape case that I tapped on and then sped up and then ran it through the eight track. That sped up 4track thing was the very beginning of the song, everything was built around it...All I had to record with was the eight track, a ribbon Mic(family vaca floor tom mic), an sm57 and a chandler limited mic pre." it was rad of him to write back and tell me all that. i should've asked if it was ok for me to post up his words but i don't think anyone is really looking at the comments and he sounds smart and kind. so i'm not going to worry about it. it is saturday & time for coffee.